Saturday, June 16, 2007

What makes me smile?

I just saw this challenge on Anilu's blog so I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the things that bring a smile to my face...

1. My hubby. Yes, there are times when he's cranky and that doesn't make me smile, but the majority of the time I just look at him and think happy thoughts!

2. My family. I look at Mami and I think she is the cutest little thing in the world! She's cuddly and smells good and her hugs just melt my heart. I adore her. Jorge, my step dad, is the most unselfish, giving and loving person I know. Having him in my life makes me smile. I call him my angel in disguise. Getting a call from my cousin Butchie, who lives in Hawaii.

3. My friends. Particularly my best friend Yayi. We are like sisters and we just understand each other so well. I don't know what I would do without her. Her son, D'Angelo (my Godson) makes me smile when he calls out to me, "Madrina!" Being surrounded by such wonderful friends makes me happy.

4. The thought of having a beautiful little baby one day and if she's a girl, she's gonna drive her daddy nuts (just like I do).

5. Scrapbooking and being in my happy room (scrap room). This is my creative outlet, my passion, my stress reliever, my gift for future generations. It just makes me so happy and I love to share this wonderful craft with my friends.

6. Travel. Arriving in a new place, enjoying my surroundings and discovering new things. Smile.

7. Sunsets and watching the night sky with my honey.

8. Sunday Brunch. I smile when we are able to enjoy a nice Sunday Brunch followed by a walk in the park or at the beach.

9. Seeing an incredible new design in a publication or reading a great story. If we published these works, that's even more of a reason to smile.

10. Starbucks. There's nothing like sipping a yummy latte or iced white chocolate mocha and just taking it easy.

What makes you smile?

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