Our beautiful baby girl, Grace Marina, was born on June 20 and she has filled our lives with so much love and so many blessings. She is healthy and strong and that's what is most important. She is also the cutest little munchkin (or little croquette of love, as Daddy calls her!) in the world! I am in awe and this all still seems so surreal... wow, I am a MOM! :)
This is the night we headed to the hospital on June 19...

After being induced overnight, I ended up having a C-section so the recovery was a bit painful but I am feeling much better now. Here's our very FIRST family photo in the operating room:

Daddy feeding his baby girl for the first time in scrubs (how sexy!)...

Mommy feeding Gracie...

Leaving the hospital...

Coming home!

We are also getting into a little bit of a routine now (one day at a time!) and doing our best to get used to the loooong sleepless days and nights that a newborn requires. Being a Mommy (and Daddy) is REALLY hard work but oh so rewarding!!
She always has her arms up in the air or her hands on her face...(I need to file those nails again!)

This past weekend, we ended up going to the ER twice. The first time was because of a bad colic attack that Gracie suffered. We called the pediatrician's office and they had us take her to the ER for a check-up. Things are better now. We changed her formula and we're trying to get her tummy feeling better and her gas pains to go away.
The second visit to the ER was for me :( This has been a really hard week! It seems that all the stress led to me developing Bells Palsy, something that's very common in pregnant women (I developed it 5 days AFTER giving birth!). It's a temporary condition that can last a few weeks where your facial nerves become inflamed due to a virus, etc. and it causes one side of your face to become somewhat paralyzed. Mine is NOT that bad, but it still feels very strange and it's difficult to eat, blink your eye, smile, brush your teeth, etc. It REALLY makes you appreciate all those things you take for granted every day! And I hate that I don't want to appear in any pictures because I want to take photos with my baby girl!! I also cannot give her my breast milk due to the meds that I have to take so I am pumping and throwing it all away!! Right now, I am trying some vitamins and I will start acupuncture treatment tomorrow to help me heal faster. I just pray that it goes away fast.
Be back soon...
Vanessa, congratulations on your little beauty there. Hope things get better for you and you can smile with no worries in every picture real soon. I know everyone is going to say this to you, but I have to tell you too: enjoy EVERY moment. One day you'll blink, and she will no longer be a baby, but a big girl. Talking from experience here...I don't know when it happened, but I don't have a baby anymore. Take care!
Congrats! Love all the photos and will pray that your BP goes away quickly!! She is a beauty like her mom!
Not because she's my God daughter but Gracie is a beauty. I love carrying her and smelling her. I can't wait to see her this weekend. Luv you guys mucho, mucho, mucho...
Amazing pictures !
Today was my first ultrasound ! My husband and i were in such awe at how amazing it was to see our little munchkin on that monitor. !!!
Today made it very real.
She is the cutest little thing ever! You guys look so beautiful as a new family of three. Isn't it the best feeling in the world?
Enjoy these first few weeks like crazy. Drink her in, this time goes by so damn fast and you will miss it *weeps*
I cannot wait to meet her. Sniff that baby smell as much as you possibly can, mama.
Love you.
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