Saturday, July 14, 2012

I've missed y'all!!

Hi everyone! I hope you haven't forgotten me... I'm still around. Life has just gotten super busy. Between work and personal stuff, my time has become very limited. But I realized something recently. I REALLY miss blogging and I want to make a commitment to my blog — even if it's just once a week. I'm on Facebook, but it's not the same. My blog is a reflection of me, my loves, my interests, my scrapbooking, my life. I love sharing personal photos and stories. I. love. writing. It's that simple :) So I hope you can welcome me back into blog world!! I've missed you!

In May, we took a fun and exciting road trip to Tennessee to visit my family and we had a great time. Unfortunately, it was way too short of a visit, but so worth it!! Here are some photos. We stopped at many a rest stop along the way to take breaks and feed and change the baby. Abuelo Jorge aspoiled the baby lots, too. Gracie behaved so well!! She only broke down once when hunger combined with sleepiness. NOT a good mix!
We made a pit stop in Nashville with Titi Mae and Jorge for a little walking and sightseeing.
I hadn't seen some of my family in years and I was so excited for Gracie to meet her aunts, uncles and cousins. This is Bailey and Cory, my cousin's awesome kids, holding Gracie.
We were there to celebrate my cousin Cory's high school graduation. He's such a wonderfully sweet young man.
Gracie played with Grace (they have the same name!) and she loved these cute pups so much!!
This is my Titi Millie and Tio Kevin, who live in California. I wish we could see them more often!!
This is a group shot we took just before we headed back to Miami. My cousin Liza and Bailey weren't there because they were attending a dance recital.
I'm planning to make a little mini album to remember this trip. I'll be back soon with Gracie's ONE YEAR OLD birthday photos. Oh my!!


Ady said...

Glad your back to blog world. Lets see if this inspires me to continue. Great pictures. It will be a great mini album.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your personal photo and story
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